Dating While Paying Off Student Loans

Dating While Paying Off Student Loans

This website has already discussed how student loans can affect many parts of one’s life. Indeed, student debt can impact a borrower’s personal relationships, and can affect the amount of money someone has to pursue a number of social activities. In addition, student debt can also impact one’s romantic relationships, both because it might be difficult to connect with people who do not have student loans, and dating can drain resources that can be used to pay off student debt. However, by keeping a few things in mind, dating while paying off student loans can be much easier.

This is an article I have put off for quite a while! Of course, most people do not want to talk about dating while paying off student loans. However, many student debt borrowers are repaying student loans as young adults when they are also pursuing a dating life, and I have not seen many articles out there about dating while paying off student loans. Since dating is an important part of the lives of numerous student debt borrowers, it is important to discuss how to balance debt repayment with having a dating life.

During my student debt repayment saga, I went on a number of dates, both with individuals I met in person and people I met through dating apps. As many people can attest to from personal experience, dating (especially for guys!) can be expensive. Not only do people usually need to spend money traveling to meet up for dates, but drinks, dinner, activities, and other parts of dates can cost a lot of money. In addition, there is still an assumption that the guy will pay for dates, although some of the girls I dated insisted on at least splitting things 50/50.

I don’t want to sound like too much of a cheapskate, but when dating while paying off student loans, for the first few dates with someone, I usually planned inexpensive meetups. I typically did not want to spend too much money on dates until I knew that I liked someone, and I know I’m not alone in implementing this strategy. As a result, when dating while paying off student loans, I usually just had drinks or coffee with someone for the first few dates so I only spent a reasonable amount of money if things didn’t progress.

However, if I am being completely honest with myself, I did not follow much of my advice on saving money when it came to dating. I spent at least several hundred dollars a month during my student debt repayment saga on dates, and I really couldn’t do anything to limit this expense. Sometimes I would meet up with people at local community events that we could go to for free, like an arts and music festival or a public concert. However, most of the time, I shelled out serious amounts of money to go on dates.

At certain parts of my student debt repayment saga, I would date people for longer periods, and a few times, I was involved in serious relationships. Usually when people are dating for a while, they agree more often to split costs, which is really helpful to people with student loans. In a way, student loans can incentivize people to enter long-term relationships so they don’t have to shell out a ton of money on dates!

In order to stay on track with my debt repayment goals when dating while paying off student loans, I worked harder at my side-hustles. The good thing about having side-hustles is that you can rely on them to make additional money that can be devoted to a variety of purposes. Of course, you also have to account for taxes that must be paid on extra money you earn, but spending money on dates motivated me to be more efficient with earning additional cash through side-hustles. If you have a few good side-hustles, spending money on dates shouldn’t keep you from your debt-repayment goals.

It is important to note that when dating while paying off student loans, it is usually not advisable to talk about student debt with your dates. People who have debt of their own will likely feel self-conscious about it if you bring up the topic of student loans, and folks who do not have debt might feel guilty or self-conscious about their privilege. On the day I paid off my student loans, I went out with a girl who was from a wealthy family and did not have student loans of her own. I could barely contain my excitement about paying off my debt, and I discussed all of the sacrifices I made to pay off my loans. I could tell that my date was self-conscious of the fact that she did not need to borrow loans of her own, and we did not have a second date (although, admittedly, this could have been for other reasons!).

On the other hand, sometimes repaying student loans can be pretty attractive, especially to people who have loans of their own. Debt repayment shows drive and persistence, which are admirable traits. Indeed, people I have gone on dates with seem impressed with my own debt repayment, and yes, with this blog! In any case, people should use their best judgment when discussing student debt on dates.

Man, the things I do for my loyal readers! This was an awkward article to write, but it addresses a critical topic about which I have not seen many articles. In the end, dating is an important part of the lives of many student debt borrowers. And if you keep a few things in mind, dating while paying off student loans can be much easier.