Making Money on Student Loans

Making Money on Student Loans

As many people can attest to from firsthand information, numerous companies and individuals make money on student loans. Lenders charge high interest rates on student debt borrowers, and this can be good business for such lenders in the right circumstances. Moreover, colleges and universities also make big money on student loans since they are largely funded by debt borrowed from students. However, other individuals are making money on student loans in different ways, and it… Continue Reading Making Money on Student Loans

Higher Tuition Costs May be Worth It

Higher Tuition Costs May Be Worth It

As discussed in several prior articles on this website, tuition costs at many colleges and universities are astonishingly high. Indeed, tuition costs have been increasing more than the cost of inflation for decades, and as a result, the tuition and fees for a year of college or graduate school may be more than an individual earns in a year. However, higher tuition costs may be worth it in certain circumstances because schools may use tuition… Continue Reading Higher Tuition Costs May be Worth It

Avoid Scholarships with Conditions

Avoid Scholarships with Conditions

Scholarships are available to students who enroll in many undergraduate and graduate school programs. Indeed, college students who participate in athletics, have high test scores, and others who meet different requirements can earn merit aid to attend school. Furthermore, law schools commonly award scholarships to applicants who have impressive records that can boost a law school’s admissions data. However, applicants to various educational programs should try to avoid scholarships with conditions in a variety of… Continue Reading Avoid Scholarships with Conditions

Saving Money While Quarantining at Home

saving money while quarantining at home

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted almost every part of daily life for many individuals. Indeed, most people are currently confined at home in order to help slow the spread of the virus and to ease overburdened healthcare systems. Furthermore, many people are being forced to work remotely because numerous offices have been shuttered due to the pandemic. However, saving money while quarantining at home is possible in a variety of circumstances, and the money… Continue Reading Saving Money While Quarantining at Home

Dating While Paying Off Student Loans

Dating While Paying Off Student Loans

This website has already discussed how student loans can affect many parts of one’s life. Indeed, student debt can impact a borrower’s personal relationships, and can affect the amount of money someone has to pursue a number of social activities. In addition, student debt can also impact one’s romantic relationships, both because it might be difficult to connect with people who do not have student loans, and dating can drain resources that can be used… Continue Reading Dating While Paying Off Student Loans

Being a Resident Advisor to Help with Student Loans

Being a Resident Advisor to Help with Student Loans

As this website has already discussed at length, one’s battle with student loans often begins before a person graduates from school. Indeed, choices people make while in school can greatly impact the amount of debt individuals have to pay back once they graduate. As previously mentioned, I worked a variety of jobs during college and law school to help reduce the amount of student loans I had to borrow. As my experiences show, being a… Continue Reading Being a Resident Advisor to Help with Student Loans

Reflecting on One Hundred Blog Posts

Reflecting on One Hundred Blog Posts

When I founded Student Debt Diaries nearly two years ago, I never expected to write more than a few dozen articles. I started this website to tell my own student loan story, and to compile a student debt repayment guide for borrowers hoping to pay off their student loans. Over time, I continued writing articles to respond to questions posed by readers and to provide more information about student loans. Although some blogs are very… Continue Reading Reflecting on One Hundred Blog Posts

Saving Money on Fitness Costs While Paying Off Student Loans

Saving Money on Fitness Costs

Since founding Student Debt Diaries, I have received hundreds (if not thousands) of emails from people across the country. Most of the individuals who reach out to me are interested in learning ways that they can earn extra money to devote additional cash to student loans. However, sometimes individuals are interested in ways that people with student loans can save money to devote additional funds to their debt. One person recently reached out to me… Continue Reading Saving Money on Fitness Costs While Paying Off Student Loans

Working a Part-Time Job During College

Working a Part-Time Job During College

One of the best ways to minimize the amount of student debt one needs to borrow is to work a part-time job while in school. Working a part-time job during college or graduate school can reduce the amount of loans you need to borrow for living costs, and can be an enriching experience as well. Prior articles have discussed working a part-time job in law school and medical school, and it is of course beneficial… Continue Reading Working a Part-Time Job During College

Starting a Business While Paying Off Student Loans

Starting a Business While Paying Off Student Loans

Several prior articles on this website have already discussed how student loans can impede student debt borrowers from achieving numerous goals in life. Indeed, student loans can make it difficult to buy a home, save for retirement, and accomplish many other objectives. In addition, starting a business while paying off student loans is extremely difficult for a variety of reasons. As numerous student loan borrowers are already aware, student debt impacts the amount of capital… Continue Reading Starting a Business While Paying Off Student Loans