Interviewing for Jobs on a Budget

Interview for Jobs on a Budget

During the last year of college or graduate school, a student typically needs to interview for jobs that they hope to enter after they graduate. Some interviews may take place virtually, but some employers may wish the candidate to travel to them to interview in person. Students who are living on a modest budget may not have too much cash available to pay for travel and other costs related to interviewing. Nevertheless, interviewing for jobs… Continue Reading Interviewing for Jobs on a Budget

Working Your Way Through College

Working Your Way Through College

In the past, when tuition costs were lower, it was much easier to pay your way through college. Indeed, we have all probably heard a story or two from older individuals who recount how they worked a job as a college student that allowed them to cover tuition costs and expenses. Working your way through college is much more difficult in the present due to rising tuition costs, but it is very possible, and one… Continue Reading Working Your Way Through College

How Student Loans Have Changed Over the Years

How Student Loans Have Changed Over The Years

I originally borrowed student loans in 2005 to finance my first year of college. It is almost hard believe it has been sixteen years since I first started my student loan story, and this was half a lifetime ago. As I reflect on what student debt was like decades ago, there are definitely several ways how student loans have changed over the years, and the student loan landscape is in many ways better now than… Continue Reading How Student Loans Have Changed Over the Years

Self-Employment and Student Loans

Self-Employment and Student Loans

During my student debt repayment saga, I always had a main job working for other people. As mentioned in numerous prior articles on this website, I also had several part-time jobs that allowed me to generally work at my own pace and not deal with bosses and the other challenges of working for someone else (however, my main job always involved working for other folks). Years after I paid off my student loans, I decided… Continue Reading Self-Employment and Student Loans

Higher Tuition Costs May be Worth It

Higher Tuition Costs May Be Worth It

As discussed in several prior articles on this website, tuition costs at many colleges and universities are astonishingly high. Indeed, tuition costs have been increasing more than the cost of inflation for decades, and as a result, the tuition and fees for a year of college or graduate school may be more than an individual earns in a year. However, higher tuition costs may be worth it in certain circumstances because schools may use tuition… Continue Reading Higher Tuition Costs May be Worth It

Respect for Paying Off Student Loans

Respect for Paying Off Student Loans

As previously mentioned in several prior articles on this website, individuals who pay off their student loans may enjoy a great sense of pride at their accomplishment. Indeed, paying off my own student loans gave me a great sense of accomplishment, and I am really proud I was able to achieve this goal. However, other people also hold a great sense of respect for paying off student loans, and this can help you in both… Continue Reading Respect for Paying Off Student Loans

Applying to Schools During Competitive Times

Applying to Schools During Competitive Times

As many applicants to undergraduate and graduate school programs understand from firsthand experience, some admission cycles are more competitive than others. People may wish to ride out hard economic times in academia, and the increase in applications can make it more difficult to be admitted to programs and be awarded financial aid. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the economic consequences the pandemic has created, many people have applied to college and graduate school, and… Continue Reading Applying to Schools During Competitive Times

Biggest Student Loan Myths

Biggest Student Loan Myths

After four years of student loan blogging, I have encountered, and debunked, a number of myths associated with student loans. Indeed, there is a lot of misleading information about student loans on the internet, and some sources might suggest competing strategies for dealing with student debt. In any event, the biggest student loan myths I have encountered fit into a few distinct categories, and it is important that individuals are familiar with misinformation that might… Continue Reading Biggest Student Loan Myths

Attending School for a Challenge

Attending School for a Challenge

I recently had a number of conversations with one of my friends who was thinking about attending law school about a decade after he graduated from college. This friend makes a great living in his current career, but he felt that his job was easy and that he was not getting too much mental stimulation with the work he performed on a daily basis. As such, this friend decided to apply to law school, not… Continue Reading Attending School for a Challenge

Unpaid Internships Hurt Student Debt Borrowers

Unpaid Internships Hurt Student Debt Borrowers

As many people understand from firsthand experience, students and recent graduates often need to complete unpaid internships during the school year and summers in order to build their resumes. Such unpaid internships may confer valuable experiences that can help the student during their job search later in their careers. However, unpaid internships hurt student debt borrowers, and employers should consider offering paid internships while interns should look for sources of funding. During my student debt… Continue Reading Unpaid Internships Hurt Student Debt Borrowers