Student Debt Issues of First-Generation Students

Student Debt Issues of First-Generation Students

Many people who attend college have had someone in their family attend college before them. It is of course easier for people to make life choices if someone they trust made similar decisions before them because these trusted people can provide advice and guidance on how to proceed. However, there are student debt issues of first-generation students about which people should be aware so that they can help ensure that first-generation students are more successful… Continue Reading Student Debt Issues of First-Generation Students

Make a Plan For Student Loans

Make a Plan For Student Loans

When people are high school students thinking about college, student loans may seem like a distant challenge. Indeed, high school students usually did not need to borrow debt for anything else before in their lives, so it can be difficult to evaluate the consequences of student loans and how educational expenses should be covered. However, everyone should make a plan for student loans as soon as possible, preferably as soon as they know that they… Continue Reading Make a Plan For Student Loans

Establishing Residency for In-State Tuition Discounts

Establishing Residency for In-State Tuition Discounts

Some colleges offer different tuition rates for students depending on if they reside within the state or from a location outside of the state in which a college is located. The reasoning behind this policy is that state funds are used to support some universities and so state residents, who presumably pay to support the school indirectly through taxes, should receive a discount on tuition. However, even if you are originally from out of state,… Continue Reading Establishing Residency for In-State Tuition Discounts

Paying Sticker Price to Attend Law School

Paying Sticker Price to Attend Law School

Most people understand how law school is extremely expensive, and how it requires a substantial investment of time and money to become a licensed attorney. Fortunately, scholarships and other types of financial aid are available to law students in ways not available to students who enroll in other graduate programs. As a result, paying sticker price to attend law school (a nickname for attending law school without any scholarships or other financial assistance) is only… Continue Reading Paying Sticker Price to Attend Law School

Living in a Dorm is Worth the Money

living in a dorm is worth the money

Most college students live in residence halls on campus for at least the first year or two of their studies. It is usually thought that dorm life is preferable for students starting their college careers so that they can meet people and have easy access to dining halls and other campus facilities. Of course, living on campus is often more expensive than most off-campus living options, and the amenities of on-campus living are often limited.… Continue Reading Living in a Dorm is Worth the Money

Should You Celebrate Paying Off Student Loans?

Celebrate Paying Off Student Loans

As mentioned in the first article on Student Debt Diaries, paying off student loans was one of the biggest accomplishments of my life. This feat was the culmination of years of sacrifice and toil, since I had to save money in insane ways and work several side-hustles to pay off my student loans. As a result of this crucible, I justifiably wanted to celebrate paying off student debt in order to reward myself for accomplishing… Continue Reading Should You Celebrate Paying Off Student Loans?

Getting Student Loans in a Hurry

Getting Student Loans in a Hurry

Anyone with student loans understands how the process of obtaining student debt is extremely complicated. Not only do student debt borrowers typically have to complete financial paperwork with their schools, but they have to submit paperwork with student loan lenders as well. Sometimes people need to secure student loans on short notice because they just got admitted to a program or their circumstances change. However, if you keep a few things in mind, getting student… Continue Reading Getting Student Loans in a Hurry

Wealthy People Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About Student Debt

Wealthy People Shouldn't Feel Guilty About Student Loans

Student debt is a burden that is faced by millions of Americans. However, some people are able to obtain their degrees without needing to borrow student loans. Many students receive academic and athletic scholarships, and some universities ensure that all students will graduate debt free despite their financial background. In addition, some people do not need to borrow student loans because their parents are fully paying for their educational costs. Although such individuals may feel… Continue Reading Wealthy People Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About Student Debt

Hire a College Counselor in Certain Situations

Hire a College Counselor

As many people already know, applying to college is not easy. Not only are there a multitude of deadlines and forms that need to be completed in order to apply to undergraduate programs, but it is oftentimes difficult to determine which school you should attend. Since people are normally 16 or 17 years old when they apply to college, applicants often turn to parents for advice. However, it may make sense to hire a college… Continue Reading Hire a College Counselor in Certain Situations