Applying to Schools During Competitive Times

Applying to Schools During Competitive Times

As many applicants to undergraduate and graduate school programs understand from firsthand experience, some admission cycles are more competitive than others. People may wish to ride out hard economic times in academia, and the increase in applications can make it more difficult to be admitted to programs and be awarded financial aid. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the economic consequences the pandemic has created, many people have applied to college and graduate school, and… Continue Reading Applying to Schools During Competitive Times

Attending School for a Challenge

Attending School for a Challenge

I recently had a number of conversations with one of my friends who was thinking about attending law school about a decade after he graduated from college. This friend makes a great living in his current career, but he felt that his job was easy and that he was not getting too much mental stimulation with the work he performed on a daily basis. As such, this friend decided to apply to law school, not… Continue Reading Attending School for a Challenge

Grad School Is More Important Than College

Grad School is More Important Than College

Some students know they will enroll in graduate school even before they enter college. This may be because individuals wish to enter certain fields that require a graduate school education or because they have an academic interest that they wish to pursue beyond college. In any case, grad school is more important than college in many instances, and individuals may wish to lower their undergraduate student debt to prepare for borrowing for graduate school. In… Continue Reading Grad School Is More Important Than College

Deciding If You Should Finish Graduate School

Deciding if you should finish graduate school

Individuals attend graduate school for all types of reasons. Some people obtain a graduate degree in order to pursue their calling, and other people attend graduate school to ride out bad economic times in academia so they do not have to compete in a bad job market. Many students may seriously consider dropping out of a graduate program at some point or another, and there are many things to consider when deciding if you should… Continue Reading Deciding If You Should Finish Graduate School

Avoid Scholarships with Conditions

Avoid Scholarships with Conditions

Scholarships are available to students who enroll in many undergraduate and graduate school programs. Indeed, college students who participate in athletics, have high test scores, and others who meet different requirements can earn merit aid to attend school. Furthermore, law schools commonly award scholarships to applicants who have impressive records that can boost a law school’s admissions data. However, applicants to various educational programs should try to avoid scholarships with conditions in a variety of… Continue Reading Avoid Scholarships with Conditions

Tips for Applying for Financial Aid

Tips for Applying for Financial Aid

Financial aid is an important part of lowering education costs and graduating from school with as little student debt as possible. As discussed in several prior articles, I received generous need-based financial aid to attend college and graduate school. Although many people do not qualify for financial aid due to their families’ financial background, financial aid can be a critical lifeline for many students. After reflecting on my own experiences with financial aid, there are… Continue Reading Tips for Applying for Financial Aid

Can You Be Too Old to Borrow Student Loans?

Too Old to Borrow Student Loans

Since founding Student Debt Diaries over a year and a half ago, I have received emails from numerous people across the country. Some of the individuals who email me are non-traditional students seeking advice about how they can pay for their educational costs. On a few occasions, individuals in their 50s and 60s have reached out to me and asked me if I thought they were too old to borrow student loans. Of course, individuals… Continue Reading Can You Be Too Old to Borrow Student Loans?

How Much Student Debt Is Too Much?

How Much Student Debt Is Too Much

Ever since I started Student Debt Diaries almost eighteen months ago, I have received hundreds of emails from individuals across the country. Many people want to know how they can earn extra money so that additional cash can be devoted to student loans. Other folks are interested in ways that they can cut expenses so that any savings can be used to pay down student debt. Numerous individuals have also asked me how much student… Continue Reading How Much Student Debt Is Too Much?

Living with Student Loans During Residency

Living with Student Loans During Residency

For most people who want to achieve their higher education goals, student loans are a necessary evil. This is especially true for those who choose to attend any form of graduate school, where scholarship opportunities and financial aid are typically harder to find. During my four years of college and my four additional years of medical school, I certainly accrued a vast amount of student debt. I will admit that during those eight total years… Continue Reading Living with Student Loans During Residency

Parents Can Help Their Kids Receive Financial Aid

Parents Can Help Their Kids Receive Financial Aid

Every student who wants to minimize the amount of money they borrow to attend college or graduate school should consider obtaining financial aid. As mentioned in a few prior articles, I received generous need-based financial aid while attending college and law school. This assistance helped me lessen the amount of money I had to borrow to earn my degrees. Through my experiences applying for financial assistance, I learned first-hand how parents can help their kids… Continue Reading Parents Can Help Their Kids Receive Financial Aid