Attending Summer School to Save Money

Attending Summer School to Save Money

This website has already discussed some enrollment strategies that can help students minimize the amount of money they spend to attend college. Indeed, individuals can graduate from college early, earn a graduate degree in college, and take other steps to lower their educational expenses. Although it might not be apparent to many, attending summer school to save money is also a viable strategy for numerous college students. One of the ways that attending summer school… Continue Reading Attending Summer School to Save Money

Tips for Applying for Financial Aid

Tips for Applying for Financial Aid

Financial aid is an important part of lowering education costs and graduating from school with as little student debt as possible. As discussed in several prior articles, I received generous need-based financial aid to attend college and graduate school. Although many people do not qualify for financial aid due to their families’ financial background, financial aid can be a critical lifeline for many students. After reflecting on my own experiences with financial aid, there are… Continue Reading Tips for Applying for Financial Aid

Holding off on College Because of COVID-19

Holding Off On College Because of COVID-19

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted most college and graduate students. Many college campuses are currently closed, and students have been forced to participate in classes online. In addition, numerous schools have adjusted grading policies and other procedures to deal with the ongoing pandemic. Given the current environment, holding off on college because of COVID-19 may be a desirable strategy for many students. I recently read a New York Times article that discussed holding… Continue Reading Holding off on College Because of COVID-19

Dealing with a Different Student Loan Servicer

dealing with a different student loan servicer

As many student debt borrowers already know from first-hand experience, a number of companies are involved with student loans. Normally, there is a lender, which is usually the government or a private bank. Then, there is a student loan servicer that manages the debt and oversees the repayment of this money. Although some banks may service student loans in house, most student debt borrowers need to contend with third-party student loan servicers. It is not… Continue Reading Dealing with a Different Student Loan Servicer

Wealthy People Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About Student Debt

Wealthy People Shouldn't Feel Guilty About Student Loans

Student debt is a burden that is faced by millions of Americans. However, some people are able to obtain their degrees without needing to borrow student loans. Many students receive academic and athletic scholarships, and some universities ensure that all students will graduate debt free despite their financial background. In addition, some people do not need to borrow student loans because their parents are fully paying for their educational costs. Although such individuals may feel… Continue Reading Wealthy People Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About Student Debt

Middle-Class Borrowers Have Less Financial Aid Choices

Middle-Class Student Loan Borrowers

This website has previously discussed how students can obtain financial aid in order to minimize the amount of debt they borrow to earn a degree. As already discussed, students can usually apply for institutional financial aid at the schools they attend, and outside scholarships and grants are also available for qualified students. However, middle-class student loan borrowers often have less financial aid options, and they usually have to make the most difficult choices when it… Continue Reading Middle-Class Borrowers Have Less Financial Aid Choices

Studying Abroad with Financial Aid

Studying Abroad with Financial Aid

Studying abroad can be an enriching part of your college experience. As many people already know, studying abroad involves attending a foreign college for a semester or two so that the students can earn academic credits and experience the culture of a foreign country. However, studying abroad with financial aid can be tricky. Nevertheless, if you keep a few things in mind, it is possible to study abroad without greatly impacting your bottom line. When… Continue Reading Studying Abroad with Financial Aid

Hire a College Counselor in Certain Situations

Hire a College Counselor

As many people already know, applying to college is not easy. Not only are there a multitude of deadlines and forms that need to be completed in order to apply to undergraduate programs, but it is oftentimes difficult to determine which school you should attend. Since people are normally 16 or 17 years old when they apply to college, applicants often turn to parents for advice. However, it may make sense to hire a college… Continue Reading Hire a College Counselor in Certain Situations

Paying Off Student Loans While in School

Paying off student Loans While in school

As many people already know, borrowers typically do not need to pay off student loans while in school. Indeed, student loan lenders typically defer the student loans of current students, so that these borrowers do not need to worry about making payments and can focus on their studies. However, in some situations, paying off student loans while in school might make sense. As previously mentioned, I borrowed a number of private and government loans to… Continue Reading Paying Off Student Loans While in School