A Student Loan Bailout is Unlikely

A Student Loan Bailout is Unlikely

Over the years, there have been some discussions of a massive student loan bailout that would wipe out most or all of the student debt burdening millions of borrowers dealing with student loans. Indeed, I wrote an article on this topic a few years ago for another website, and I predicted that a student loan bailout would be fairly unlikely. I also wrote a similar article on this website a few years ago. Now that… Continue Reading A Student Loan Bailout is Unlikely

Paying Sticker Price to Attend Law School

Paying Sticker Price to Attend Law School

Most people understand how law school is extremely expensive, and how it requires a substantial investment of time and money to become a licensed attorney. Fortunately, scholarships and other types of financial aid are available to law students in ways not available to students who enroll in other graduate programs. As a result, paying sticker price to attend law school (a nickname for attending law school without any scholarships or other financial assistance) is only… Continue Reading Paying Sticker Price to Attend Law School

Getting Advice About Student Loans

Getting advice about student loans

Paying off student loans can be a lonely process. People often do not discuss student loans with their peers, so it is difficult to get advice and support from friends. In addition, the student loan challenges faced by this generation are different than the struggles faced by people who went to school decades ago. However, getting advice about student loans can be easy if you keep a few things in mind. Siblings Siblings can be… Continue Reading Getting Advice About Student Loans

Earning College Credits in High School

Earning College Credit in High School

When most people consider strategies to deal with student debt, they focus on tactics that can be employed after they have already borrowed funds to attend school. However, it is advantageous to take certain steps before borrowing student loans to minimize the amount of debt you need to borrow in order to earn a degree. Of course, not everyone can turn back the clock, but high school students should think about how they can take… Continue Reading Earning College Credits in High School

Deciding If You Should Finish Graduate School

Deciding if you should finish graduate school

Individuals attend graduate school for all types of reasons. Some people obtain a graduate degree in order to pursue their calling, and other people attend graduate school to ride out bad economic times in academia so they do not have to compete in a bad job market. Many students may seriously consider dropping out of a graduate program at some point or another, and there are many things to consider when deciding if you should… Continue Reading Deciding If You Should Finish Graduate School

Need-Aware Admission is Unfair

Need-Aware Admission Is Unfair

This website has mentioned in several prior articles how I was offered generous financial aid to attend college and graduate school. Indeed, I am kind of the “poster child” of college financial aid, since I received a ton of grants and other assistance that nearly covered the enitre cost of earning my college degree. When I attended my college, the school had a need-blind admission policy, meaning that a student’s ability to pay was not… Continue Reading Need-Aware Admission is Unfair

You Shouldn’t Feel Bad About Student Loans


As discussed on this website in a number of prior articles, student loans were a huge millstone around my neck for much of my 20s. I felt horrible about my student loans and I thought about my debt pretty much every day. I almost thought that I had done something wrong or made bad decisions to have such a student loan burden, and I felt that I had gotten myself into a difficult financial situation… Continue Reading You Shouldn’t Feel Bad About Student Loans

Having Siblings Can Help with Financial Aid

Having Siblings Can Help with Student Loans

As this website has already discussed in several prior articles, many factors are evaluated when determining if a student is eligible for financial aid. For instance, a family’s income and savings is often used to calculate how much money a family can be expected to contribute to a child’s tuition. In addition, the number of children a family has in college at the same time can also impact financial aid determinations. Since families cannot contribute… Continue Reading Having Siblings Can Help with Financial Aid

Avoid Scholarships with Conditions

Avoid Scholarships with Conditions

Scholarships are available to students who enroll in many undergraduate and graduate school programs. Indeed, college students who participate in athletics, have high test scores, and others who meet different requirements can earn merit aid to attend school. Furthermore, law schools commonly award scholarships to applicants who have impressive records that can boost a law school’s admissions data. However, applicants to various educational programs should try to avoid scholarships with conditions in a variety of… Continue Reading Avoid Scholarships with Conditions

Saving Money While Applying to Law Schools

Saving Money While Applying to Law Schools

As many people already know, applying to law schools can be an expensive process. Applicants generally need to pay a hefty sum in application fees and test score fees for each school to which they apply, and this can add up depending on how many schools an applicant considers. Also, applicants need to pay seat deposit fees to at least one school in order to secure a place in an incoming class. However, saving money… Continue Reading Saving Money While Applying to Law Schools