How to Decide If You Should Invest Available Money or Pay Off Student Loans Early

Invest Free Money or Pay Off Student Loans

This website has already discussed certain situations in which it does not make sense to pay off student loans early. In addition, the website has also explained how sometimes it is not wise to pay off student loans even though you may have money available to devote to student debt. Of course, if you can make more money investing cash than the interest that would be offset from paying off student loans early, it is… Continue Reading How to Decide If You Should Invest Available Money or Pay Off Student Loans Early

How to Maximize the Tax Benefits of Paying Off Student Loans

Tax Benefits

This website has already discussed some of the tax implications of working side-hustles to pay off student loans. Of course, it is inevitable that the “tax man” will take much of the cash you make from part-time gigs, even though you devote this money to student debt. However, there are a few tax benefits to paying off student loans. It is important to keep these tax considerations in mind while paying off student debt, since… Continue Reading How to Maximize the Tax Benefits of Paying Off Student Loans

How to Decide If Income-Driven Repayment Plans Are Right for You

Income-Driven Repayment Plans

This website has already discussed ways that individuals can pay off their student loans early by earning extra money and cutting expenses to save additional cash. However, for many student debt borrowers, it might not make sense to pay off student loans early. Indeed, the availability of income-driven repayment plans means that individuals can eventually have their student debt forgiven after a period of timely payments. I never seriously considered income-driven repayment plans during my… Continue Reading How to Decide If Income-Driven Repayment Plans Are Right for You

How to Decide Which Debts to Pay Off Before Student Loans


For many people, student loans are just one type of debt that a person has. Indeed, numerous individuals have credit card debt, car loans, mortgages, and other types of debt that need to be handled in addition to student loans. It is oftentimes difficult to determine how best to pay off student loans while also dealing with these other types of debt. Of course, the best strategy is to minimize any debt you have in… Continue Reading How to Decide Which Debts to Pay Off Before Student Loans

How to Decide Which Student Loans to Pay Off First

Student Loans First

This website has already discussed methods that can be used to minimize expenses and save extra money. This website has also included strategies that anyone can use in order to make additional cash through side-hustles. If you follow this advice, hopefully you will be able to pay more than the minimum amounts due on your student debt, and you will then have to decide which student loans to pay off first. Before paying off certain… Continue Reading How to Decide Which Student Loans to Pay Off First

How to Pay Off Student Loans Without Hurting Your Credit Score

Credit Score

Many people believe that paying off student loans is good for one’s credit score. Of course, paying down debt demonstrates great financial responsibility and shows that you can be trusted to borrow more money in the future. In addition, being free from student loans means that you do not have outstanding financial obligations that could limit you from paying off other loans. However, the geniuses at the credit bureaus have strange rubrics for assessing one’s… Continue Reading How to Pay Off Student Loans Without Hurting Your Credit Score

How to Buy a Home While Paying Off Student Loans

Buying a Home Stack of Money

As has been previously discussed on this website, it can be extremely difficult to work toward a variety of financial goals while paying off student loans. Indeed, student debt limits the amount of resources borrowers can devote to certain financial objectives, since student debt consumes cash that might be dedicated to other goals. Even though it might be advantageous to make certain financial decisions, like buying a home, it can be difficult to save extra… Continue Reading How to Buy a Home While Paying Off Student Loans

How to Build an Emergency Fund While Paying Off Student Loans

Emergency Fund Lock Box

While living with student loans, it can be very difficult to save money. Indeed, student debt drains cash that can be used to achieve other financial objectives, and since student loans usually have insanely high interest rates, it might seem unwise to save extra money for an emergency fund. However, everyone should establish a “rainy day” fund no matter how much student debt you have. All of us will face tough times during our lives… Continue Reading How to Build an Emergency Fund While Paying Off Student Loans

Introduction to Repayment Strategies: How to Best Pay Off Student Loans

Debt being erased through repayment strategies

This website has already discussed strategies that anyone can use to save more money to devote additional cash to student loans. In addition, the blog has also detailed how anyone can earn extra money from side-hustles so that additional cash can be used to pay down student debt. However, student loan success requires more than simply saving money and earning extra cash. Indeed, once you have additional money available to pay off student loans, you… Continue Reading Introduction to Repayment Strategies: How to Best Pay Off Student Loans

Resources You Can Buy to Make More Money from Side-Hustles

Resources Money Side-Hustles

Everyone has probably heard the expression “it takes money to make money” at some point in their lives. While working side-hustles to pay off student loans, it is also true that you need to invest money on certain resources in order to earn the most cash possible from part-time gigs. However, it can be very difficult to part with your hard-earned money when buying things to increase the amount of cash you earn from side-hustles.… Continue Reading Resources You Can Buy to Make More Money from Side-Hustles