Avoid Scholarships with Conditions

Avoid Scholarships with Conditions

Scholarships are available to students who enroll in many undergraduate and graduate school programs. Indeed, college students who participate in athletics, have high test scores, and others who meet different requirements can earn merit aid to attend school. Furthermore, law schools commonly award scholarships to applicants who have impressive records that can boost a law school’s admissions data. However, applicants to various educational programs should try to avoid scholarships with conditions in a variety of… Continue Reading Avoid Scholarships with Conditions

Investing Emergency Fund Money

Investing Emergency Fund Money

As this website has already discussed in several prior articles, all student debt borrowers should have an emergency fund if they have the resources to build up savings. Emergency funds are important if people lose their jobs, face medical problems, or encounter other life issues. Although it might be safest to keep emergency funds in cash, investing emergency fund money is advisable in a number of circumstances. As mentioned in prior articles, I had an… Continue Reading Investing Emergency Fund Money

Saving Money While Applying to Law Schools

Saving Money While Applying to Law Schools

As many people already know, applying to law schools can be an expensive process. Applicants generally need to pay a hefty sum in application fees and test score fees for each school to which they apply, and this can add up depending on how many schools an applicant considers. Also, applicants need to pay seat deposit fees to at least one school in order to secure a place in an incoming class. However, saving money… Continue Reading Saving Money While Applying to Law Schools

Living in a Dorm is Worth the Money

living in a dorm is worth the money

Most college students live in residence halls on campus for at least the first year or two of their studies. It is usually thought that dorm life is preferable for students starting their college careers so that they can meet people and have easy access to dining halls and other campus facilities. Of course, living on campus is often more expensive than most off-campus living options, and the amenities of on-campus living are often limited.… Continue Reading Living in a Dorm is Worth the Money

Saving Money While Searching for Jobs

Saving Money While Searching for Jobs

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had an extremely negative effect on the economy, and has had an especially disruptive impact on the job market. Indeed, millions of people have lost their jobs over the past few months, and the current unemployment rate has not been seen in many decades. Because of the economic climate, many people are currently hunting for jobs, but it can be difficult to search for jobs while saving money, especially if… Continue Reading Saving Money While Searching for Jobs

Saving Money While Studying for the Bar

Saving Money While Studying for the Bar

As I can attest to from personal experience, law school is insanely expensive. Indeed, law students typically need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on tuition costs, books, housing expenses and other fees to earn a law degree. However, even after graduating from law school, attorneys-to-be need to spend even more money to pay for course materials and living costs in order to prepare for the bar exam. However, by keeping a few things… Continue Reading Saving Money While Studying for the Bar

Dealing With Salary Cuts Because of COVID-19

Dealing With Salary Cuts Because of COVID-19

This website has already posted a number of articles about how student debt borrowers and the population at large have been impacted by COVID-19. Indeed, many people have been laid off or furloughed, and this has impacted their ability to pay off student debt and cover their living expenses. Many people have also had their income decreased because of the ongoing pandemic, and dealing with salary cuts because of COVID-19 can be easier if you… Continue Reading Dealing With Salary Cuts Because of COVID-19

Saving Money While Quarantining at Home

saving money while quarantining at home

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted almost every part of daily life for many individuals. Indeed, most people are currently confined at home in order to help slow the spread of the virus and to ease overburdened healthcare systems. Furthermore, many people are being forced to work remotely because numerous offices have been shuttered due to the pandemic. However, saving money while quarantining at home is possible in a variety of circumstances, and the money… Continue Reading Saving Money While Quarantining at Home

Invest Available Money Whenever Possible

Invest Available Money

This website has previously discussed how student debt borrowers, and pretty much everyone else, should save money for emergencies. It is important to have some cash stashed away in case you are laid off, face medical issues, or experience a number of other problems in your life. Most experts advise individuals to put six months of living expenses aside for emergencies, but this does not all need to be in cash. Indeed, individuals should invest… Continue Reading Invest Available Money Whenever Possible

Dealing with Medical Costs and Student Loans

Dealing with Medical Costs

This website has already discussed how students may have a difficult time paying for medical costs, since they have little disposable income. Of course, medical expenses may impose an unexpected hardship on people, and students are oftentimes affected the most by medical expenses because they do not have steady income. In addition, dealing with medical costs and student loans can be especially difficult for many student debt borrowers. However, by keeping a few things in… Continue Reading Dealing with Medical Costs and Student Loans