Credit Cards Can Help You Pay Off Student Loans

Credit Cards Can Help You Pay Off Student Loans

Everyone knows that in order to pay off student loans, you need to cut expenses so that additional cash can be devoted to student debt. One way to do this is to minimize your use of credit cards so you do not spend money unnecessarily and rack up additional debt. As mentioned previously on this website, I did not apply for a credit card until later in my student debt repayment journey, so I could… Continue Reading Credit Cards Can Help You Pay Off Student Loans

What to do if You Miss a Student Loan Payment

Miss a Student Loan Payment

This website has already discussed a number of ways that borrowers can devote extra money to student loans. If you follow the advice on this website, you should be able to prepay a substantial amount of student loans so that the due date on this debt is months or even years into the future. However, there may come a time when you miss a student loan payment, and if this happens, it is important to… Continue Reading What to do if You Miss a Student Loan Payment

Studying Abroad with Financial Aid

Studying Abroad with Financial Aid

Studying abroad can be an enriching part of your college experience. As many people already know, studying abroad involves attending a foreign college for a semester or two so that the students can earn academic credits and experience the culture of a foreign country. However, studying abroad with financial aid can be tricky. Nevertheless, if you keep a few things in mind, it is possible to study abroad without greatly impacting your bottom line. When… Continue Reading Studying Abroad with Financial Aid

Keep the Standard Repayment Plan

Keep the Standard Repayment Plan

As many student debt borrowers already know, individuals have many repayment options when paying off their student debt. Some repayment plans increase the monthly payment amount over time, and this may be helpful, since borrowers usually earn more money over the course of their careers. Other repayment options allow borrowers to pay off their student loans over different time periods, usually between ten to twenty years. Of course, the more time an individual has to… Continue Reading Keep the Standard Repayment Plan

Picking a Student Loan Cosigner

Picking a Student Loan Cosigner

Many student debt borrowers need to secure a cosigner to guarantee their student loans. Students typically do not have a substantial credit history, and cosigners provide lenders an extra sense of security. A guest article (written by my brother) already teased out the issue of cosigners, but I also wanted to discuss a few considerations that come into play when picking a student loan cosigner based on my own experiences. As previously mentioned in a… Continue Reading Picking a Student Loan Cosigner

Finding Jobs That Pay Student Loans

jobs that pay off student loans

This website has already discussed how certain jobs can have a major impact on your student debt burden. Indeed, some jobs increase the amount of money that you may have to pay off student debt, and other positions, like those in the military, offer educational assistance. However, you do not need to join the armed services to find jobs that pay student loans. There are a number of public service roles that offer educational assistance… Continue Reading Finding Jobs That Pay Student Loans

Paying Off Student Loans While in School

Paying off student Loans While in school

As many people already know, borrowers typically do not need to pay off student loans while in school. Indeed, student loan lenders typically defer the student loans of current students, so that these borrowers do not need to worry about making payments and can focus on their studies. However, in some situations, paying off student loans while in school might make sense. As previously mentioned, I borrowed a number of private and government loans to… Continue Reading Paying Off Student Loans While in School

Traveling While Paying Off Student Loans

Traveling While Paying Off Student Loans

As many people already know, traveling can be costly. Whether you take a train, plane, or automobile, people can spend a substantial sum of money on transportation costs. However, if you keep a few things in mind, traveling while paying off student loans does not need to hurt your bottom line. During my student debt repayment saga, I needed to travel a ton to get to school, back home, and for other reasons. I rarely… Continue Reading Traveling While Paying Off Student Loans

Using Student Loans for Other Purposes

Using Student Loans for Other Purposes

As this website has already discussed, individuals should do everything they can to minimize the amount of student loans they borrow. This is because student loans typically have high interest rates and can be an impediment to achieving a number of financial goals. However, individuals are usually allowed to borrow student debt for living costs in additional to educational expenses. Indeed, many schools typically issue students a check containing funds that are supposed to be… Continue Reading Using Student Loans for Other Purposes

Losing Your Job While Repaying Student Loans

Losing Your Job While Repaying Student Loans

Being laid off is an extremely difficult experience. Indeed, getting laid off can impact someone on an emotional level, and has a number of financial consequences as well. In addition, losing your job while repaying student loans can can be extremely difficult, since student debt borrowers typically need to repay debt on top of living expenses. However, if you keep a few things in mind, losing your job while repaying student loans can be much… Continue Reading Losing Your Job While Repaying Student Loans