You Shouldn’t Feel Bad About Student Loans


As discussed on this website in a number of prior articles, student loans were a huge millstone around my neck for much of my 20s. I felt horrible about my student loans and I thought about my debt pretty much every day. I almost thought that I had done something wrong or made bad decisions to have such a student loan burden, and I felt that I had gotten myself into a difficult financial situation… Continue Reading You Shouldn’t Feel Bad About Student Loans

Professionals with the Worst Student Debt Burdens

Professionals with the worst student debt burdens

Many people believe that if they borrow money to enter a profession, they will be able to earn enough cash to quickly pay off any educational debt. It is true that more-educated individuals typically earn more money, but not everyone in each profession earns an equally high sum of money. In addition, the amount of debt that people borrow to enter certain professions can be extremely challenging for many individuals. In any case, professionals with… Continue Reading Professionals with the Worst Student Debt Burdens

Pay it Forward After Repaying Student Loans

Pay it Forward After Repaying Student Loans

When student debt borrowers are repaying student loans, it may be difficult to think about what it will be like when all of your debt is paid off. Indeed, paying off student loans may seem like an impossible task that requires years of dedication in order to accomplish. However, if you stay focused and follow the advice on this website, you should be able to pay off your student loans within a reasonable amount of… Continue Reading Pay it Forward After Repaying Student Loans

Asking Colleges for Refunds Because of COVID-19

Asking Colleges for Refunds Because of COVID-19

Almost everyone in the United States has been impacted by COVID-19. Indeed, many people know someone who has been ill with the disease, and millions of Americans have lost their jobs because of the current economic downturn. College students have also been negatively impacted by the ongoing pandemic, since almost every college campus is currently closed, and classes have moved online. In light of the current environment, asking colleges for refunds because of COVID-19 seems… Continue Reading Asking Colleges for Refunds Because of COVID-19

Going to Graduate School Because of COVID-19

going to graduate school because of COVID-19

As this website has discussed in prior articles, COVID-19 has impacted many student debt borrowers and the population as a whole. Indeed, numerous people have been laid off because of the ongoing pandemic, and job prospects are poor for many graduating students and individuals at the beginning of their careers. Some folks may wish to ride out the economic uncertainty by enrolling in graduate school, but going to graduate school because of COVID-19 is not… Continue Reading Going to Graduate School Because of COVID-19

Dealing with Unemployment Because of COVID-19

Dealing with unemployment because of COVID-19

As mentioned in several prior articles, many student debt borrowers have been substantially impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Numerous workers have had their hours cut due to the crises, and some employees have been furloughed and even laid off. Nevertheless, by keeping a few things in mind, dealing with unemployment because of COVID-19 can be a little easier. It should first be noted that this website has already published articles discussing how student debt… Continue Reading Dealing with Unemployment Because of COVID-19

Student Loan Relief Because of COVID-19

Student Loan Relief Because of COVID-19

As many people are already aware, on March 27, 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, also known as the “CARES” Act. This law provides for economic relief to American businesses and residents, and it is the largest government stimulus package ever passed by Congress. In addition, the CARES Act includes a great deal of student loan relief because of COVID-19. Legislators understand that student debt borrowers have been substantially impacted… Continue Reading Student Loan Relief Because of COVID-19

Dealing With Depression from Student Loans

Dealing with depression from student loans

As many student debt borrowers can attest to from personal experience, student loans can dampen your mood. Indeed, student debt is like a shackle for many student loan borrowers that keeps them from achieving their goals, and may keep some individuals from reaching happiness in their lives. Nevertheless, there are some things you can keep in mind when dealing with depression from student loans. Let me first say at the onset, that I do not… Continue Reading Dealing With Depression from Student Loans

Crowdfunding Student Debt Repayment

Crowdfunding Student Debt Repayment

I have heard of some nontraditional ways of paying off student loans since I began Student Debt Diaries over two and a half years ago. Some have paid off student loans by winning the lottery, and others have seemingly paid off student loans through bankruptcy. Recently, I was perusing my social media, and I discovered someone who had set up a crowdfunding page aimed at paying off his student loans. Although crowdfunding student debt repayment… Continue Reading Crowdfunding Student Debt Repayment

Dealing with a Different Student Loan Servicer

dealing with a different student loan servicer

As many student debt borrowers already know from first-hand experience, a number of companies are involved with student loans. Normally, there is a lender, which is usually the government or a private bank. Then, there is a student loan servicer that manages the debt and oversees the repayment of this money. Although some banks may service student loans in house, most student debt borrowers need to contend with third-party student loan servicers. It is not… Continue Reading Dealing with a Different Student Loan Servicer