Mindsets I Used That Can Help Anyone Save Money

Mindsets to Save Money

Let’s face it, saving money is not easy. All of us have temptations, and it is extremely difficult to refrain from purchasing things that make us happy. Additionally, everyone on some level likes to “keep up with the Joneses,” and it is difficult to see others purchase items and be without these possessions ourselves. Frugality just isn’t appealing in our materialistic society, and many would rather not be called cheap. In order to successfully live… Continue Reading Mindsets I Used That Can Help Anyone Save Money

An Introduction to Saving Money: My Education in Frugality

Saving Money Clenched Wallet

Over the past several weeks, this website has provided some introductory articles on my personal background and the general topic of student loan repayment. Now it’s time to discuss the actual “nuts and bolts” of how you can pay off your student debt early. As I mentioned in my previous articles (and as common sense would dictate), paying off student loans early requires two fundamental strategies: saving money and earning extra cash through side hustles.… Continue Reading An Introduction to Saving Money: My Education in Frugality

How I Mostly Debt-Financed My Law School Education

Law School Student

Last week, I discussed how I received scholarships, grants, and financial aid to cover most of the cost of attending college. This week’s post is not going to be as uplifting. Rather, I will discuss how I debt-financed most of my law-school education to the tune of around $150,000 when you consider the effect of capitalizing interest. My story has a happy ending, and I was able to pay off my law school and college… Continue Reading How I Mostly Debt-Financed My Law School Education

How I Received $150,000 in Grants, Scholarships, and Financial Aid to Help Pay for College

College Graduates Financial Aid

Over the past few weeks, many people have asked me if I received financial aid to pay for college and law school. People have also inquired whether the $197,890.20 in student debt I paid off was just related to law school expenses or if I had to pay for college as well. I will tackle this topic over the next few posts, and this article discusses how I was able to obtain around $150,000 in… Continue Reading How I Received $150,000 in Grants, Scholarships, and Financial Aid to Help Pay for College

Why You Should Pay Off Student Loans Early

Piggy Bank Student Loans Early

My last post discussed the categories of people who might not benefit from expediting student loan payments. I hope I didn’t scare too many people away from the blog! If your situation does not match any of the categories I mentioned, or you are still interested in paying off loans early, you might be wondering what the benefits of expediting student loan payments might be. There is a massive opportunity cost to expediting student loan… Continue Reading Why You Should Pay Off Student Loans Early

Is Paying Off Student Loans Early Right for You?

Student Loans Coins and Clock

Before diving into methods to expedite student loan payments, it is important to assess at the beginning whether paying off student loans early is right for you. It seems like a foundational principle of financial success that people should strive to be debt-free as soon as possible. Many would also argue that student debt is one of the worst kinds of debt and should be paid off as soon as practical. However, there are certain… Continue Reading Is Paying Off Student Loans Early Right for You?

An Introduction to My Student Loan Saga

Coins and money

August 16, 2016 was one of the biggest days of my life. It wasn’t the day I got a new job or started a new career. It wasn’t the day I earned a degree or celebrated any other traditional life milestone. However, on August 16, 2016, I achieved one of the biggest goals of my life up to that point. After three years and 10 months of sacrifice, saving, and toil, I paid off all… Continue Reading An Introduction to My Student Loan Saga