An Introduction to Student Loan Refinancing

Student Loan Refinancing

I am sure that everyone with student loans has probably heard about student loan refinancing at one point or another. Refinancing is one of the hottest trends in the student loan industry, and I am willing to bet that almost every recent graduate knows someone who has refinanced their student loans. Many people have emailed me over the past several months to ask for advice on whether they should refinance their student loans and which… Continue Reading An Introduction to Student Loan Refinancing

How to Decide If Attending College Is Right for You

College is Right for You

This website has already discussed numerous ways that individuals can pay off their student loans. The blog has also including some considerations students should assess when choosing which schools to select. However, the website has not yet tackled how to decide if attending college is right for you. In our modern economy, it is usually assumed that everyone graduating high school should attend college. Indeed, a college degree is typically seen as a necessary credential… Continue Reading How to Decide If Attending College Is Right for You

Graduating Early Can Help Minimize Your Student Debt

Graduating Early

This website has already discussed numerous ways that individuals can save money when choosing which college or graduate school to attend. Indeed, prior articles have related how scholarships are available for many students, and individuals can attend school part-time while working in order to minimize costs. Another way to save money on educational expenses is to attend a school that will allow you to earn a degree in less time than it usually takes to… Continue Reading Graduating Early Can Help Minimize Your Student Debt

Dealing with the Bankruptcy of a Student Loan Cosigner


In a previous article, I delved into the issues that can arise when a student loan cosigner dies, and how to best deal with any problems that may result. This time around, I will talk about a rarer, though sometimes more problematic dilemma: what to do when a cosigner declares bankruptcy. While renegotiating the terms of the student loan may still be an option, the worst case scenario (an automatic default) is what commonly occurs.… Continue Reading Dealing with the Bankruptcy of a Student Loan Cosigner

Consider Heading Back to School If Your Employer Will Pay for It

Employer Assistance Student Loans

This website has already discussed some of the perks certain employers offer that make it easier to pay off student debt. Indeed, many workers out there are fortunate to have a number of employment benefits that can impact their finances. Some individuals may even work for an employer that will pay for all or part of the cost of obtaining a degree, and this can impact someone’s student debt decisions. There are a number of… Continue Reading Consider Heading Back to School If Your Employer Will Pay for It

Part-Time Degree Programs Can Help You Minimize Student Debt

part-time programs

I am sure that many readers of this website are aware of degree programs that allow individuals to attend classes at night, on weekends, or over the internet. For working individuals, part-time programs are critical, since they afford the flexibility necessary to obtain a degree while employed full-time. However, such programs can also help you minimize the amount of student debt you borrow to earn your degrees, since you could offset educational costs while working… Continue Reading Part-Time Degree Programs Can Help You Minimize Student Debt

How to Decide If You Should Go Back to School or Avoid Student Debt

Go Back to School

I am sure that many of you who have already earned your degrees have considered going back to school at one point or another. Indeed, numerous people contemplate obtaining another degree in order to make a career move, earn more money, or for a number of other reasons. I also thought about going back to school more than once during my student debt repayment journey. However, there are a few things you should keep in… Continue Reading How to Decide If You Should Go Back to School or Avoid Student Debt

How to Deal With the Death of a Student Loan Cosigner


Paying for college can be tricky when your family does not have the financial means to cover the cost. While some students may be lucky enough to get help in the form of financial aid or scholarships (like me), for many, the only realistic option is student loans. Although government loans are an option for a majority of student debt borrowers, many students must also rely on loans from private banks to cover the rest… Continue Reading How to Deal With the Death of a Student Loan Cosigner

How to Choose a Law School That Will Minimize Your Student Debt

Law School Debt

As previously mentioned in several prior articles on this website, where you choose to attend college and graduate school can have a substantial impact on your student debt story.  And if you are considering law school, your choice about where to earn a law degree and whether to attend law school at all will massively affect how much student debt you need to borrow.  The law school admissions process is very complicated, mainly due to… Continue Reading How to Choose a Law School That Will Minimize Your Student Debt

How to Choose a Graduate Program That Will Minimize Your Student Debt

Graduate School

As has been previously mentioned on this website, where you choose to earn your degrees can have a massive impact on how much student debt you ultimately need to borrow. Indeed, which schools you attend can impact tuition costs, the availability of financial aid, and how likely it is that you will obtain employment which will help you pay off your student debt. Previous articles on this website have discussed student debt considerations you should… Continue Reading How to Choose a Graduate Program That Will Minimize Your Student Debt