Why It’s Important to Keep Track of Your Student Loans

Keep Track of Your Student Loans

As many student debt borrowers are already aware, paying off student loans can be very overwhelming. Not only is it difficult to find the money to pay off student debt, but it can be hard to keep track of each student loan account a borrower has. As previously mentioned on this website, I personally had four student loan accounts, and some borrowers have many more individual student loans they need to keep tabs on. Since… Continue Reading Why It’s Important to Keep Track of Your Student Loans

Buying a Home Is Not Worth It in Many Situations

buying a home is not worth it

During my student debt repayment saga, completely paying off my student loans was my number one financial goal.  I wholeheartedly devoted myself toward my objective of paying off student loans, and I used a number of strategies to save money and earn extra cash so that additional funds could be devoted to this goal.  Once I was finally done paying off my student loans, my biggest financial goal was purchasing a home of my own. … Continue Reading Buying a Home Is Not Worth It in Many Situations

How to Survive the Holidays with Student Loans

Surviving the Holidays with Student Loans

As many people are aware, there are certain times in everyone’s lives when it is extremely difficult to save money. For instance, when a relative or close friend is getting married, it is almost impossible to avoid spending large sums of money on gifts, wedding attire, travel expenses, and other costs. In addition, the holiday season is another time when it is extremely difficult to save money. Whether it is purchasing presents, or traveling to… Continue Reading How to Survive the Holidays with Student Loans

Dual-Degree Programs Can Save You Money

Dual-Degree Programs Can Save You Money

Most people follow a traditional path when they obtain their college and graduate degrees. Usually, individuals attend college for four years, and then attend graduate school for one, two, three, or more years depending on the degree which they are pursing. However, sometimes individuals can obtain two or more degrees at the same time in less years than it would take to obtain the degrees separately. These dual-degree programs can save you money, since students… Continue Reading Dual-Degree Programs Can Save You Money

Being Cheap Can Cost You Money in the Long Run

Being Cheap Can Cost You Money

Everyone who reads this website is likely very aware that I am a huge proponent of eliminating expenses so that additional cash can be devoted to student debt. And it is true that saving money is as integral part of any strategy to pay off student loans. However, based on my own personal experiences, sometimes being cheap can cost you money. It might sound counter-intuitive that frugality can actually lead you to spend more money.… Continue Reading Being Cheap Can Cost You Money in the Long Run

Joining the Military Can Help You Pay Off Student Loans

Military Can Help With Student Loans

This website has already discussed a number of strategies that individuals can employ in order to pay off their student loans. Indeed, there are many ways that borrowers can save money and earn extra income so that additional cash can be devoted to student debt. However, people can also work certain jobs that include employee benefits, which can help with student loans. Indeed, as many individuals already know, the military can help you with student… Continue Reading Joining the Military Can Help You Pay Off Student Loans

Having a Car While Paying Off Student Loans

Having a car while paying off student loans.

This website has already discussed numerous strategies that can be used to save money so that additional cash can be devoted to student debt. As previously mentioned, living at home is a viable cash-saving tactic for many student debt borrowers, and there are a variety of mindsets that can be employed to cut expenses. Although many people need cars for their daily lives, having a car while paying off student loans might be an unnecessary… Continue Reading Having a Car While Paying Off Student Loans

Why I Chose to Live at Home During Medical School

Living at Home During Medical School

As I stated in several of my prior articles, medical school is far from cheap. With annual tuition averaging over forty thousand dollars, it is imperative to cut costs wherever possible. When I was set to begin my first year of medical school, I took out the maximum amount of federal student loans I was able to borrow, equaling around $55,000. While this funding covered the cost of my medical school tuition (which was slightly… Continue Reading Why I Chose to Live at Home During Medical School

Paying for Test Prep Classes Can Save You Money in the Long Run

Paying for Test Prep Classes Can Save You Money

Preparing for standardized admission tests is no fun. Most people need to study for months in order to perform their best on standardized tests, and this is especially difficult for people who are students or are working full-time. Studying for standardized tests is even more difficult for people with student loans, since individuals must typically shell out thousands of dollars in order to take exam prep classes or purchase study aids. However, paying for test… Continue Reading Paying for Test Prep Classes Can Save You Money in the Long Run

A Dollar Saved Is Better Than a Dollar Earned

A Dollar Saved Is Better Than a Dollar Earned

We have all probably heard the expression “a dollar is saved is a dollar earned” at one point or another during our lifetimes. And it is true that if you spend less money on unnecessary things, you will have more cash to devote to paying off student debt or achieving other life goals. Although saving money is an extremely important part of repaying student debt, many readers of this website are more interested in earning… Continue Reading A Dollar Saved Is Better Than a Dollar Earned